Our Properties
The Walpole Island Land Trust covers two areas on Walpole Island First Nation. Over 40 acres of tallgrass prairie are entrusted in its care. Some of the best examples of tallgrass prairies remaining in Canada are found on the Walpole Island First Nation. Tallgrass prairies are deemed globally imperiled ecosystems and are one of the most threatened ecosystems in Canada, with less than three percent of the original habitat left in Ontario. These habitats are an integral component of the life-cycles of many forms - from common wildlife species; to nationally endangered species; to humans that have relied on these habitats for many generations.
Potawatomi Prairie
Site Details
Potawatomi Prairie is a 23.47-acre parcel of land located at Walpole Island First Nation. It is one of the largest unprotected mesic/wet mesic prairies on the Walpole Island First Nation. Grasses such as Big and Little Bluestem, Indian grass, and Switch grass blanket its landscape. Numerous wildflowers both common and rare dot the site with an ever-changing palette of colors. This site is home to culturally significant species such as Sweetgrass and an array of medicinal plants. It contains the second highest population of Eastern Prairie White-fringed Orchid on Walpole, which is found through parts of the mesic and wet-mesic prairie. The site is also noted as a breeding area for birds such as Northern Bobwhite Quail, Henslow's Sparrow, Bobolink, and Sedge Wrens.
Potawatomi Prairie is a rich site where important research that helps us better understand grassland functions, ecological services, as well as the biology of rare and endangered plant species; and stewardship activities that connect people to nature take place.
Prairie-Dock Prairie
Site Details
Prairie Dock Prairie is an 18-acre site that is one of the most diverse unprotected prairies on the Walpole Island First Nation. Grasses such as Big and Little Bluestem, Indian grass, and Switch grass intermingle amongst the numerous wildflowers within the site. This prairie remnant is home to many medicinal plants and is dominated by Prairie Dock, which is rare on Walpole Island and occurs elsewhere in Canada only in the Windsor area. It contains nationally listed species at risk plants including White Prairie Gentian, which is not found elsewhere in Canada and Dense Blazingstar, which is listed as a threatened species. It also has an extremely high complement of provincially rare plant species, such as Stiff Gentian, New Jersey Tea, Hoary Puccoon, Tall Coreopsis, and Rough Blazingstar. The site is also noted as a breeding area for birds such as Northern Bobwhite Quail.
Prairie-Dock Prairie is part of the Sandpits Prairie-Savanna complex. It is under ownership of one Walpole Island member. It is also adjacent to agricultural lands that have been purchased through the Walpole Island Heritage Centre for restoration purposes.